This report from the Newcastle Sun (14 June 1922, page 5) tells of one more moment in the strange sequence of deaths at Weston. Billy Hicks was an all round clubman, a type recognisable across all sports. His death came not long after the loss of Bill Lambert and not long before the death of Peter Coppock. George Kennedy, who took on Billy's role also died, in an underground accident, at the end of the following year.
'BILLY' HICKS Result of a Fall
W. ('Billy') Hicks, who was badly injured by falling from his horse at Weston on Friday last, died in Kurr Kurrl hospital yesterday. He had been associated with Weston Club for many years. He had been player, trainer, ambulance man, and held various positions on the Weston Club's committee, and was always ready to fight the club's battles. Very little hope was held of his recovery — the back being badly injured — and he succumbed to his injuries yesterday. The loss to soccer is a big one, but to his widow and family the sympathy of all Soccerites is extended.
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