Saturday, April 23, 2022


From Sid Grant History of Coalfields Soccer

year missed


Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, 8 July 1918, page 7


After the game the Newcastle players and committee were entertained by the Maitland players. Mr. G. Avis was in the chair. The loyal toast of "The King" was the first honoured. Mr. Lambert proposed "The Visitors," and spoke of the progress the game had made. Mr. Tamlyn responded, and remarked that though many of them could not agree with Mr. Tweddle's decisions, yet he knew Mr. Tweddle was a fair man, and had, he felt sure, given his decisions in a fair and conscientious manner. Mr. Dickman, who is an old president of Weston Club, and a returned soldier, proposed the health of "The Soldiers at the Front," and stated that while in England he had organised a team, and out of the eleven chosen players nine of them represented Weston in the Gardiner Cup games played in 1914. Mention was also made that it had been reported that Davy Clarke, the popular wing player, had been killed in action. Messrs. Hedge, Buxton, and others contributed to the musical programme, while in a few remarks which Mr. Buxton made, he stated that on Merewether Advance roll of honour board 76 names of Soccer players from that district appeared. 

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