Sunday, May 8, 2022


Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder, 4 July 1947, page 1


Weston Soccer Club, which won almost every competition in the State, may be revived.

At a banquet and smoke concert to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Club, held at Weston, an appeal was made by the former State President and Australian selector, Mr. S J. Grant, of Newcastle, for the club to re-enter competition. After an unbroken record of 38 years the club was omitted from the Northern Senior League in 1945 and has not functioned since. 

After the enthusiasm which marked the reunion, it appears certain that the old 'Geordie' club will be reformed next season. The club officials, however, will abandon the old ground known, as the Homestead, on which many of the past big matches were played. A more central enclosure will be made in an attempt to help the club regain its high place. The club was established in 1907 by a band of enthusiasts who immigrated from Newcastle-on-Tyne (England). 

Weston won many of the highest honours, including: Gardiner Cup, 1918 State Cup. 1932-34-36-39; State Premiership, 1931-36; Sheahan Cup 1936; Ellis Cup, 1923; Stevenson Cup (Coalfields championship), 1922-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-41; Hemming Cup 1917-18. 

Weston produced outstanding players in J. McNabb, J. McCroarey, P. Harris, J, Wilkinson, T. Oliver, W. Lambert, J. Avis, J. Williams, J. Gilmour. J. Mather, E. Kemp, J. Kemp. J. Mannion, A. Ramage, W. Beverly, H. Bellamy, J. Drinkwater, C. Thompson, J. Bellamy, and others. 

At the reunion, presentations were made to Mr, W. Williams (president), J. Avis, (secretary), T. Hetherington (treasurer), and W. Beaney (delegate).


Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder, 29 April 1949, page 10



Weston Workers' Club has decided to take steps to ensure more adequate beer supplies for the club and to have cuts in the quotas restored. It was reported to the meeting that orders had been placed for equipment and clothing for the club's soccer team. The former Weston Soccer Club will donate a substantial part of the cost. 

Interesting that the two soccer entities are seen as separate in the reference to the "former Weston soccer club".


Tribune, Wednesday 10 July 1957, page 5

"Crab" McCroary who said that he had always been known as "Crab" and that his other name did not matter, was the first-aid man in the mine. He was once an international soccer representative. The miners said he was a better "doctor" than he was a soccer player.


Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder,  31 March 1950, page 1

Weston Workers Club Deputation To Council

Soccer Ground Wanted At Park

One of council's main difficulties with amenity projects was securing contract, tenders and, apart from the Kurri Kurri Baths and the Kurri Baby Health Centre, they bad been unable to secure any contractors, the Shire Clerk (Mr. W. J. Grieve) told a deputation from the Weston Workers' Club at a meeting of Kearsley Shire Council on Tuesday night. The deputation, comprising the President (Mr. J. Comerford) and the Secretary (Mr. G. Robinson) told the meeting that they were anxious that part of the Weston Park be prepared as a soccer ground. They said that the club, whose premises were situated on the Park, was sponsoring a soccer team, but the team had no home ground. Last year the team used the Kurri soccer ground, but this would be closed this year because the Kurri club had disbanded. 


Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder, 23 November 1951, page 7

£300 to Top Dress Weston Soccer Ground

Kearsley Shire Council decided on Tuesday night to spend £300 on the top-dressing of the Weston Soccer ground. Cr. T. Fell raid the ground had recently been graded, but It was very sandy and needed top-dressing to grass it properly in time for the next football season.


Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder, 10 June 1952, page 5

WESTON CAUSED UPSET Beat Mayfield United

Weston caused the biggest upset of the season when it defeated the leaders, Mayfield United, in the first round of the State Cup Cup Sunday. Neither team was at full strength, Mayfield being without representative wingers Alf Gazzard and Sam North, and Weston without star centre half, Alex Fisher. Weston had most of the play in the first half, the forwards playing well, but failing to finish off movements. The locals scored the only goal of the match ten minutes after the start, when "Podge" Lamb drove the ball to put centre forward, Kevin Williams, on the run, but Mayfield full back Alexander intercepted and, in attempting to clear, screwed the ball into his own net. Convery was magnificent. Mayfield dominated the se-cond half and fought desperately in the closing stages, but on several occasions dangerous situations were relieved by the great defence of Convery, Edwards and Maxwell. Inside left, Jack Lennard, was the brains of the Mayfield attack and continually worked a passage down the centre of the field and was a constant source of worry to the Weston back division. Weston's win has now eliminated the previously undefeated Mayfield from the State Cup knockout and the Geordies will go into the second round.


Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder, 12 February 1954, page 6

Weston Workers' Soccer Club

The Secretary of the Weston Workers' Soccer Club (Mr. J. Avis) said today that the club had shown much improvement since its entry into the First Division in 1951.

He said that work on the new ground near the Weston Kurri overhead bridge had not been completed and the club expected to use Abermain Park as a temporary ground in the coming season. The club will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday night when the annual report and election of officers will be the main business. Prospects of gaining new players will also be discussed.


Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder, 17 February 1953, page 3

Weston Soccer Officials.

Officers for positions left in abeyance from the annual meeting have been elected by the committee of the Weston Workers' Soccer Club. They were — Patrons, Messrs. G. Robinson and W. Williams; Senior Vice President, W. Beaney; Publicity Committee, A. L. Lamb, B. Myall, J. Avis Jnr.; Selectors, R. Brown, N. Eddy, P.. Mar well, J. Avis Jnr., B. Beveridge; Signing-on Committee, J. Avis Jnr., R. Maxwell, A. L. Lamb, J. Lynch. In accordance with the constitution, the Club has notified two other clubs that steps will be taken to seek the transfer of prominent players.


From Sid Grant History of Coalfields Soccer

This section is unclear. I think Grant got his years wrong but I'll follow up on that

[In the 1962 season] there were signs of a recovery  with 16 wms and one loss. In the semi-final, Weston beat Belmont­-Swansea by 3 to l and beat Dudley by 2 to 1 in the 2nd Division final. It's final eleven comprised: W. Mahoney, C. Allanson, T. Harper, B. Davies, E. Kemp Jnr., R. Morris, J. Sneddon, N. Jackson, J. Drink­water, M. Hamilton, G. Heaney. 

That success won promotion back to 1st Division and a new era of triumph was well under way.