Tuesday, April 19, 2022


This is a new blog, a public place to store my research on Weston Bears Football Club. You are welcome to read it, use it (with appropriate attribution) and send comments to me about the pieces I put up. You can also make suggestions in regard to research tasks you think I should be pursuing.

My intention is to write a history of this great club, a history that captures its spirit and its remarkable episodes of joy and tragedy off the field and highs and lows on it.

To my mind the club is special in a number of ways, the least of which is its longevity. While old in terms of most Australian soccer clubs it is certainly not the most senior in the Newcastle region. While having been spectacularly successful at times, the club has also had periods without much success. To me the club is special in its identity, one harking back to the club's very founders. Another feature is the recurrence of tragedy within the club and its community. My starting hypothesis is that these events (which might have brought the club to its knees) have strengthened the club and contributed to a culture of memory that is vital to any successful sporting body. Weston is a club that remembers its past and seems to want and need to remember. Stories of fact and myth entwine in the club's written and living memories. I hope to do justice to them.

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